Our Team

Dr Paula Moraga | Department of Statistics, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Paula’s research focuses on the development of innovative statistical methods and open-source software for geospatial data analysis and health surveillance, and has directly informed strategic policy in reducing disease burden in several countries

Clinton Nkolokosa | Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme, Malawi
Motivated by a desire to apply his geospatial skills in public health, Clinton’s current activities focus on using innovative statistical modelling techniques and geospatial tools within public health, with a focus on vector-borne diseases.

Dr Julie-Anne Tangena | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Julie-Anne Tangena is a public health entomologist. She was awarded an MRC Skills Development Fellowship to improve mosquito surveillance activities of vector control programs and divides her time between LSTM, Lancaster University, and Malawi.

Dr Thomas Mboa | Mboalab, Cameroon
Thomas is the founder of the Mboalab, a community biology lab in Cameroon. Thomas is interested in Open science and co-leading the AfricaOSH. As a researcher, Thomas is interested in Open innovation and is part of the Open AIR. As lecturer, Thomas teaches Digital Humanities with a focus on Data sciences (Python and R) at the Advanced School of Mass communication in Cameroon.

Dr Margareth Gfrerer | Education Strategy Centre, Ethiopia
Margareth holds a PhD in Economics, a MA in Economics Education and a MA in International Commerce. She has been involved in numerous international projects in the field of infrastructure management prior her current assignment in Ethiopia, where her focus is on Open Science and its impacts.