We at afrimapr would love to hear from you
This file will keep on to evolve to share with our community how you can get involved in the project and how to contribute.
Contribute a Blog Post
There are several ways in which to do this.
Via Github (if you are familiar with git, Github, and markdown)
- Start by forking this repository
- You can directly work on Github or add the post by working on a local copy of the repository in git
- The blog posts folder is
- The post should be written in markdown
- The image should have a dark and not too busy background as the title, description, date, and authors will be displayed against the background image in the post
- The image should be uploaded to
in this repository (either via git or Github) - The header should look like this:
posttitle: Open Research Fund Awarded # Add our title (no colons ":" please)
description: Wellcome Trust announced that _afrimapr_ is funded! # Add a short description
background: /assets/img/posts_20191025.png # Add an image (the image must be uploaded to `assets/img`
author: [Andy South] # Add an author or list of authors seperated by commas
categories: [Funding, Project] # Add categories (free text)
Via email
- Please let us know if you’d like to contribute a blog post via email to Anelda van der Walt
- You can submit a post as a markdown file, a Word document, or a link to a Google Doc
- Images should please be sent as separate files if a blog post is submitted via email. Please feel free to add the images to the post to show where they should appear, but also send the original image files separately
- We will liase with you about publishing the post